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MHM Transition Services

The Moving Home Minnesota (MHM) initiative is a federal demonstration project designed to facilitate the transition of Minnesotans from institutional settings to their own homes within the community. The primary objective is to create opportunities for individuals to enjoy independent living.

Within the framework of MHM Transition services, our dedicated team offers comprehensive support to help individuals locate a safe and affordable place to live. We understand that not everyone has a flawless rental history, and we specialize in assisting individuals with such challenges.

RSC MHM Referral Form

Key aspects of MHM Transition services include:

Our ultimate goal is to find a housing solution that aligns with your preferences and provides a conducive environment for long-term happiness. It’s important to note that while we strive to offer substantial support, there are certain eligibility requirements that must be met. Additionally, the benefits of the program extend for a duration of six months, during which we work diligently to empower you on your journey toward a fulfilling and independent living situation.

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We are here to help you move your life forward. Fill out the contact form to get started.
